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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

my baby is getting older..

it was a historical event in my baby's life yesterday, September 25, 2007. He could walk smoothly!! Well, he had been starting to stand up and taking his first steps about 3-4 months ago, but all this time, he was still lazy to walk or never really take many steps without holding to anybody or anything..

but now he can actually walk! wow! it's a great feeling that I baby is growing older, bigger, and smarter.

I just think, how happy I am to be his parent. It is such great experience as a mother. Just realise the great love that I am feeling. I think a child is everything to a mother. No matter how naughty, how bad, how ugly a child is, his/her mother will still love him/her without demanding anything to be returned except the happiness of her child.

Now I know for sure that a mother's love is big and abundant to her child, can you imagine God's love to us all? :D


  1. heheh hi nice blog u have,, and by the way, what a cute baby u have, hope he will be smart kid. okee bye
