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Thursday, April 09, 2009

PEMILU 2009--different feeling than last time

today, we just had PEMILU..national election for legislative members.

somehow i did not have the same feeling as the last election on 5 years ago.

in the previous election, i think i really knew which party that i would choose. but compared to this year election, wow, i was really lost..i did not know what to choose..i had chosen though of spite of all..but..i was not completely sure of the one i had chosen.

and i heard on the quick count that the status quo is still ahead of the others, well, it's normal i guess.. not many people like changes..many are afraid of more chalenges..many are worried that the change may bring worse, instead of trying to have something new, they prefer to use the old one..

i'm completely understand and not against them..

however, we don't really know for sure until we have tried..and the result of having a new government is still a mystery..could be good, could be bad..

one thing needs to be kept in mind is that after we have chosen or made up our mind about something and then actually done that, we had to be sure that it will lead to a better thing..and never regret it afterwards.. so in the end it will definitely become a much greater thing for us.

Listen to your heart..since He leads you through it..